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When You Leave, Does Your Cat Feel Bored?

When You Leave, Does Your Cat Feel Bored?

Apr 10, 2024
When You Leave, Does Your Cat Feel Bored?

Absolutely not. In fact, they can be quite busy. Cats’ ancestors were solitary animals, so they have a strong sense of territory. Every morning, they’ll come to your bedside to check if you’re still alive. If they see you sleeping too deeply, they might think you’ve been harmed during the night. Once they confirm their companion is still alive, they’ll go use the litter box, eat some food, and then find a spot to take a nap.

When you leave, they are filled with anticipation because, in their eyes, you’re going out to hunt. This marks the start of a wonderful day for them. Being crepuscular animals, cats spend most of their time sleeping. The rest of the time, they are either grooming themselves or running around wildly, practicing their hunting skills.

As night falls, they’ll wait by the door for your return, knowing you usually come home at this time. If they see you come back safely, they’ll happily rub against you. Even though you always return empty-handed, they don’t blame you because they know hunting is dangerous, and returning uninjured is already a blessing. If you open a can of food for them upon your return, they might understand it as a reward.

So, a cat left alone at home doesn’t feel bored; rather, it feels secure. It’s only in unfamiliar places that they might feel anxious.

If you want to find some cat toys for your pet, Visit Tallpet Products to get more great pet products.

If you cat feel anxious,   we have cat pheromone kit to help your cat release pressure.

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